Delevering the unexpected.
Since 2019, Kupol is engaged in a unique collaboration with other Canadian researchers in the quest for the ultimate football helmet.
The NFL Helmet challenge as been an unmatched opportunity to show the world what 3D can do to protect the health of athletes but also to celebrate the power of multidisciplinary collaboration.
For two years, Kupol has been developing a novel approach to energy absorption by weaving polymeric strings to form Kollide's proprietary structures.

Getting closer to your body.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is only beginning to reveal its true potential. At Kupol, we are 100% devoted to push its boundaries.
Using simultaneously the X, Y & Z axis alongside with custom coding, we resolve challenges that were once impossible to overcome with traditional slicing.
For instance, printing completely hollow shells such as body parts is now possible, thanks to Kupol's work.
Additive manufacturing is more than a trend, it is the future of comfortable performance equipment.

Using geometry as a driver of innovation.
Since the early days of Kupol, we recognized the potential of geometry to push further the performance of protective gear.
Foresing the important role additive manufacturing would play in the 4th industrial revolution, we secured two patents in regard to head protection through 3D printing.
The cross-hexagonal pattern is unique to Kupol and is also capable of absorbing a large amount of energy.

Leveling the playing field.
FDM printing being the most affordable additive manufacturing process, we are committed to develop manufacturing solutions for the insole industry.
By lowering the entry barrier, we believe that a larger amount of customers will enjoy the benefits of a custom insole and thus enhance health.

Leading by example.
Kupol opererates out of a very small team. This allows us to pivot on a dime in the direction that is now consider the most innovative and promising.
Its co-founder, Gabriel Boutin, is working daily hands on coding but also on printing. This allows us to iterate lightning fast and to fine tune our creation process.